Physical Education, First Aid and Civil Defense Requirement

FND 110 Physical Education

FND 152 First Aid

FND 153 Civil Defense


Coordinator email: [email protected]

Office: 117 Paramaz Avedisian Building

Office Hours:  To be announced

Course Description:

AUA students are required to complete four semesters of Physical Education, and one course each in First Aid and Civil Defense training during their studies.

Students must successfully complete Physical Education, First Aid and Civil Defense in order to earn an AUA undergraduate degree.

At AUA, Physical Education is scheduled for the first two years, and First Aid and Civil Defense are scheduled during the first year only.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure s/he has fulfilled all graduation requirements.   Students must complete these and all requirements in order to graduate from AUA.

Students who have completed mandatory military service are waived from the Civil Defense and First Aid requirements.

Medical Report:   In compliance with Armenian law, all incoming freshman and sophomore students and any other student who will register for Physical Education must submit a medical document completed by a medical professional before the start of classes.   For Fall 2020, medical documents must be submitted in hard copy or via email to the AUA Health Center ([email protected]) by August 17.

Citizens of Armenia may obtain a medical document from their local polyclinic following a physical examination.  Male citizens of Armenia may submit the relevant page of their military book.

International students may ask a medical professional to provide them with a written statement confirming physical fitness for a Physical Education course.  A sample International Medical Fitness Certificate can be obtained by contacting [email protected].

Students are advised to visit the polyclinic as soon as possible to avoid long waiting times and delays.

Students who do not submit a Medical Report will not be allowed to participate in physical education (and may be unenrolled in the course) and a hold will be put on the student’s account. 


  • Physical Education, First Aid, and Civil Defense are graded on a Passed (P) / Not Passed (NP) basis.
  • In order to receive a “P” grade in Physical Education, students must have satisfactory attendance and participation.



  • During course registration, Freshman and Sophomore students and any other student who has not completed his/her physical education requirements must register in for Physical Education by choosing one of the FND 110 Physical Education sections.
  • The AUA Registrar automatically registers Freshman students for First Aid and Civil Defense under FND 152 and FND 153. Students will then be automatically enrolled in the First Aid and Civil Defense courses in Moodle.  Students will take these two courses on Moodle.
  • For further information about the Physical Education courses and registration process in general, and/or questions about specific sections offered at AUA, please contact the Physical Education Coordinator at [email protected].


Exemption from Physical Education:

Students who have a medical condition that prohibits them from participating in Physical Education may be exempt from Physical Education.  The procedure to apply for medical exemption is as follows:


  1. Submit a medical doctor’s certification letter on the doctor or facility’s letterhead dated within the past 6 months to the AUA Nurse (room 601 M or [email protected]) by the end of the add/drop period. If submitting a hard copy, the medical documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the student’s full name and AUA ID Number written or typed on the outside – to maintain the confidentiality of medical information. The letter must contain the following information:
    1. The medical condition
      1. An explanation of why the condition should medically exempt the student from participating in Physical Education courses
      2. The time period for this exemption; either
        1. Temporary exemption due to acute illness or injury – the letter must state when the student can begin participation, or
        2. Permanent exemption due to chronic or untreatable condition that would exempt participation in Physical Education throughout undergraduate academic studies
      3. The doctor’s complete contact information
    2. After receiving the medical doctor’s certification letter, the AUA nurse will review the information contained in the letter and make one of the following determinations:
      1. Accept the medical exemption for the specified time period and notify the Registrar’s Office for the student’s academic records
      2. Contact the doctor for further information in order to make an informed decision
      3. Deny the request for medical exemption based on lack of sufficient rationale.


NOTE: As of Fall 2019, Alternate Physical Education is no longer available.


Military Service Waiver

Students who have successfully completed military service will be waived from completing

FND 152 First Aid, and

FND 153 Civil Defense


Once a student has returned from military service, the Office of the Registrar will indicate on the student’s record that the student is waived from these two courses.

For further information about the FND 110, 152 or 153 courses, please contact the Phys Ed Coordinator at [email protected]

Download PDF: PE-and-First-Aid-and-Civil-Defense.2019-2020